Tuesday, February 16, 2010

CHI 2009a: Social Computing Privacy Concerns

     This paper discussed privacy issues on social networking sites such as Flickr and Facebook.  The authors believes that when a member of an online community shares information it makes them feel vulnerable because they don't know who will see this information.  This leads to a restrictive amount of information sharing in the online community.  The study proves the author to be correct.  However this is something that is difficult to measure.

     This paper was interesting to me because I am a member of Facebook.  I can remember the privacy policy changing many times in the past few years and this paper points out one of the reasons.  Sharing too much information online can be dangerous.  One fault of this work is that this is a difficult thing to prove is happening.  The author studies private photo sharing in the study as an example of restrictive sharing.  While I think this is a good measure of restrictive sharing, there also might be other reasons why some wants to private share a photo.  Future work may be on tracking how much restrictive sharing is occurring each time  facebook's privacy settings change.

1 comment:

  1. Personally I am glad they changed a lot of the privacy settings on Facebook because I want to feel safe on a community site and don't want to share information with everyone and be able to post what I want without having it being shared with everyone. I personally don't use Flickr so it didn't matter to me much that they tested picture tags on it, but it was sort of interesting to see how it turned out.
